Q: Web 2.0 – are we speaking from hindsight when we try to define it? A: We are speaking from no sight at all. “Web 2.0” is a catch word coined by Tim O’Reilly who was trying to sell books for his publishing company. In my opinion, it was the saddest moment of O’Reillys careeer …
Tag: software development
I do hate MySQL
I can’t stand it, really. I’m using it at the moment only because I’m forced to. I can’t help considering it as a toy DB, especially comparing it to PostgreSQL or SQL Server or any other serious RDBMS. The last thing that hit my nerve is this bug. Come on… can’t it even handle foreign …
FeedbackReporter and Mantis integration
I’ve just written a small script to store reports generated by FeedbackReporter on a Mantis system. It should come handy to keep track of your application crashes (crash? uh? My apps never crash! :-)) You can download it here. Simply extract it on your webserver and edit config.php to adjust your settings. It can work …
Quote of the Day
[…] a good programmer cultivates the virtue of laziness. (But not just any laziness: you must be aggressively, proactively lazy!) — Chris Pine, dealing with the DRY rule
Quote of the Day
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. — Richard Cook, read on FSM