I pretty much use prototype.js in every web project. Nowadays, though, there are native javascript functions that would avoid reinventing the wheel and IE is not a problem anymore, if even Microsoft is abandoning it :). For instance, I prefer to rely on querySelectorAll() instead of using a js library like Sizzle. That is why …
Tag: software development
Make status colors more prominent in MantisBT 2.0
Once upon a time, MantisBT used to create a colorful table with all your issues, using the status color as a background for the whole row. Since version 2.0, the status color has been moved to a small box in the status column, making it harder to spot the info you’re looking for at a …
The Lion, the Witch and the Xcode
…or maybe it was “The Lion, the Bug and the Xcode“? Anyway, if you just upgraded your system to Lion, then downloaded the new Xcode from the App Store, tried to run it just to get welcomed by a sparkling crash along the lines of UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (NSInternalInconsistencyException): Couldn’t load plug-in ‘com.apple.dt.IDE.IDEiPhoneSupport’ while firing fault …
Using SQLi Import with Oracle
SQLi Import is a nice eZ Publish extension that allows you to develop data importers in a quick and elegant way. Sadly, it comes only with MySQL support, but it takes only a minute to make it work with Oracle too. So here’s the SQL code I’ve used to make it happy 🙂 (tested with …
FeedbackReporter and Mantis
I’ve received a couple of reports from people having problems using my FeedbackReporter->Mantis integration script together with Mantis 1.2.x. This is mainly due to a change in the core API’s of Mantis which broke it. I’ve uploaded an updated script here. Please note that it’s only been tested when set to use the SOAP interface …